Friday, October 9, 2020

Jack Sewing Machine Price in Chennai - VS SewingMachine

 Jack Sewing Machine Price in Chennai - VS SewingMachine

VS Sewing Machine, Jack Sewing Machine Price in Chennai offers you with the Top selling brands along with all its Sewing Machines models in the Industry. You can get  the recommendations over here with the industry experts. Also we serves you best Pre-Selling as well as the Post Selling Services.

Because of the wear of the sewing needles of embroidery machines defects can appear on the embroidery surface of the product. Therefore, it is necessary to schedule the moments of replacing the sewing needles of the embroidery machines based on the anticipation of their failure moments. Within this framework, the purpose of this study is to develop a fuzzy decision system for determining the moment of replacing of the sewing needles of embroidery machines, considering their amplitude of vibrations measured on the three axes of the Cartezian coordinate system.
On the one hand, in China, the PI research conducted by national scholars generally remained at the level of the primary theoretical construction and still needed the further study, accordingly the research achievement application was less. According to the documentary material, the primary progress had been made in PIS concept, theoretical foundation, integral construction and evaluation system.However, very little had done on product identity design andsystematical strategy research. On the other hand, foreign scholars’ research on the construction of business product identity was much more mature, such as reference , Form Design of Product Image Using Grey Relational Analysis and Neural Network Models , it provided mobile phone product identity with formal elements. And reference , Expressing the Expected Product Images in Product Design of Micro-electronic Products, its research achievement application had produced a remarkable effect and become some enterprises’ key strategy.  

The embroidery machines are complex equipment with a single or multi-heads, which are controlled through PLC. In the case of embroidery machines, the sewing needles largely influence the quality of the manufactured products. Considering the influence of sewing needles on the quality of textile products, the existing works presented in the literature aimed to study the penetration force of the needles in the textile material , the influence of the sewing needle temperature on the textile material  and the influence of the vibrations of the embroidery machine. Read More
The wear of sewing needles is characterized by the changing of the size and shape of the needle, and the displacement of the needle axis relative to the vertical direction. Due to the wear of sewing needles, at high vibrations during the operation of the embroidery machines, there is wrinkling of the material on which the embroidery pattern is applied and breaking of the sewing thread can occur so that the embroidery machine has to be stopped. It is necessary to reposition the sewing needle with 6-10 stitch steps behind the trajectory to follow and the embroidery machine should be restarted. When the embroidering process restart, an overlap of the sewing thread occurs. Therefore, because of the wear of sewing needles defects appear on the embroidery surface of the product, the availability and thus the productivity of embroidery machines decrease, while the manufacturing costs are rising. Click Here

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