Thursday, October 22, 2020

Merritt Sewing Machine Price in Chennai - vssewingmachine

 Merritt Sewing Machine Price in Chennai - vssewingmachine

VS Sewing Machine, Merritt Sewing Machine Price in Chennai offers you with the Top selling brands along with all its Sewing Machines models in the Industry. You can get  the recommendations over here with the industry experts. Also we serves you best Pre-Selling as well as the Post Selling Services.
The RFID technology is currently used in thousands of different applications. Mainly, the applications of pallet tracking and identification of persons and animals have largely adopted this technology. Additionally, wearable RFID technology is gaining more interest every day with a great potential in the fields of WBAN and on-body health tracking as reported in previous works.
On-body RFID technology can be achieved by several realization techniques. A simple way is to realize tags based on conventional etching techniques on commonly used substrates and then to embed them into a dielectric . This overall assembly can then be integrated into clothes. However, in terms of cost and its durability in washing and mechanical stresses, the use of conductive fibers is considered promising. Moreover, this technology allows seamless integration of antennas with clothes. An innovative technique relies on sewing the tag antenna directly on garments. 

However, the main drawback of sewn tags is still the connection between the antenna and the chip. Typically, conductive adhesive connects threads to chip electrodes, but the mechanical robustness of this assembly is weak. Some new ideas are emerging to overcome this critical issue. A small loop antenna can be connected to a chip IC in a first stage. This assembly is then placed at the center of a sewn antenna to feed it by coupling effect . In the present case, we utilize stretchable fabrics. Thus, this last technique cannot be implemented because the quality of the coupling depends on the electric length variation of the conductive strip. This leads to lower the radiation efficiency compared to a direct electrical connection between the chip and the antenna.
For several years, chipless RFID  is under investigation mainly to decrease the cost of tags to address consumer goods market. This market is still today primarily dominated by the optical barcode technology [20]. Not only, for its lower cost, may the chipless RFID technology bring some improvements for certain applications that don’t require a large coding capacity such as for sorting objects (banknote, coins, tokens...). Firstly, there is no chip, so no complex and costly operation is required to connect a chip to an antenna. The chipless technology can work in harsh environment such as high pressure, high temperature or abnormal radiation level environment. A sewn tag can be integrated with clothes nearly for free and can serve as a first level anti-theft system for clothing brands or in an automatic laundry for identification of clothes.  

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