Sunday, January 31, 2021


Textile Stream Smart Manufacturing SINGER FM SEWING STRETCHABL- vssewing machine 

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Here, we present a facile method for rapid fabrication of low-cost, stretchable electrical interconnections for wearable electronics. Using a commercial sewing machine, thin metallic wires are sewn onto the wearable materials in a double-stitch zigzag pattern, with the second stitch being a water-soluble polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) thread. The stretchable pattern is secured onto a clothing (e.g., a glove) with a stretchable elastomer coating followed by dissolution of the PVA thread in water. The interconnections maintain a constant electrical conductivity for strains up to 50 % and bending cycles over 15000. As a proof of concept implementation, we sewed interconnects and a soft capacitive force sensor onto a latex glove to create a wearable tactile sensor with a linear sensitivity of 96 fF/N.  know more

Textile stream smart factory CPS implementation can only be done by linking together the ordering system, design automation system, product information management system, production information integration system and production equipment automation.[6] Fig. 2 shows the interlinkage of high-throughput, high-productivity production systems that minimize plant-to-plant collaboration and prototype production to accommodate small-volume and multi-stream requirements between streams, and can be instantly produced on demand.

Device for checking and indicating the rest of under- thread sewing yarn of sewing machine The sewing work can work in a situation where there is no under-thread by mistake. This leads to defective products and economic losses. To solve this problem, there is a need for a device for detecting the remaining amount of under-thread and transmitting it to an operator. Fig. 3 shows the sensing signal configuration for system design to detect the residual under-thread amount and the system configuration diagram to control it by linking it. The orange block shows the status of the warning lights, the PLC, the touch screen, and the main brake, while the blue block indicates each sensor and control signal for control. click here 

One challenge in automated sewing is the restricted spacein front of the sewing machine. The main problem is that therobot needs space to move, but also sensors for edge detectioncan be difficult to fit, especially in the case of sewing twoparts together. To solve this problem, the conveyor belt system,shown in Fig. 2, was installed in front of the sewing machine.It consists of two conveyor belts. The part is fed into thesystem on the right side in the picture and the edge is fixedsideways by the pressure of the belts while the part movedtowards the sewing machine. The basic idea is to move theworking point of the robot away from the sewing machine.In the experiments presented here, only one robot is used, butalso in a two robot system for sewing two parts, the conveyorbelt system can be installed between the robots and the sewingmachine. Preliminary experiments with manual sewing wereconducted but are not part of this paper. Experiments usingone part are shown in Section III.The conveyor belt shown in the test setup is about23 cmlong (upper belt), but a longer conveyor belt could be used todecouple the robot and the sewing machine completely. Thisway, the feed speed for the robot and the sewing machinedo not have to match each other and can also have differentmovement profiles. The lower belt is shorter than the upperbelt because of the space restriction due to the sewing machine click here

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