Sunday, January 31, 2021

SINGER FM - vssewing machine


Textile Stream Smart Manufacturing SINGER FM - vssewing machine

The wear of sewing needles is characterized by the changing of the size and shape of the needle, and the displacement of the needle axis relative to the vertical direction. Due to the wear of sewing needles, at high vibrations during the operation of the embroidery machines, there is wrinkling of the material on which the embroidery pattern is applied and breaking of the sewing thread can occur so that the embroidery machine has to be stopped. It is necessary to reposition the sewing needle with 6-10 stitch steps behind the trajectory to follow and the embroidery machine should be restarted. When the embroidering process restart, an overlap of the sewing thread occurs. Therefore, because of the wear of sewing needles defects appear on the embroidery surface of the product, the availability and thus the productivity of embroidery machines decrease, while the manufacturing costs are rising. know more

This work addresses challenges in a previouslypresented automated sewing cell regarding material handling.The paper takes a step back and explores basic principles andchanges in the hardware that can lead to a higher stability of theprocess in an industrial setting. Due to space restrictions in frontof the needle, it was hard for the robots to handle the workpiecesduring the last part of the seam. This paper presents a conveyorbelt system that was added into the cell to move the workingpoint away from the needle. This ensures better workspace forthe robot system. Additionally, a new tool and control concept ispresented for the case of sewing a single piece which may improvethe stability of the process. Rubber wheels are used to controlthe workpiece sideways in order to control the seem position.Experiments are presented and discussed showing the feasibilityof the conveyor belt system and the new tool. view details 

The embroidery machines are complex equipment with a single or multi-heads, which are controlled through PLC. In the case of embroidery machines, the sewing needles largely influence the quality of the manufactured products. Considering the influence of sewing needles on the quality of textile products, the existing works presented in the literature aimed to study the penetration force of the needles in the textile material [1,2], the influence of the sewing needle temperature on the textile material [3, 4] and the influence of the vibrations of the embroidery machine [5]. view details

Automated sewing is a complex task. Challenges arise fromuncertain material characteristics and deformation during thesewing operation. Sensors have to be included in the setupto ensure a high quality seam. Depending on the shape of thework piece and the stiffness of the material, different strategiescan be applied to the handling task. A number of researchgroups have presented different approaches how to handle thematerial and the use of different sensors to control the sewingprocess. click here

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