Monday, November 30, 2020

jack sewing machine dealers in chennai - VS SewingMachine

 jack sewing machine dealers in chennai - VS SewingMachine

This paper presents a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) servo drive system for high speed flat industrial sewing machine. In order to satisfy the special function of sewing machine, several approaches are applied in this servo system: Using voltage feed-forward decoupling control in current loop to improve speed and position control performance; Variable gain control is adopted in system to compensate incomplete decoupling caused by disturbance and inaccuracy of parameter; PMSM used in system is specially designed with concentrated winding and lean charge magnetism barrel-drain rotor, which can effectually improve motor operating and reduce torque harmonics. The experimental curves of sewing procedure show that: the speed feedback can accurately track speed reference under different sewing conditions, which proof the servo control system meet purpose of industrial sewing machines well.
The “Factoryplay” company, which operates in the Bragançaindustrial area, in the northeast region of Portugal, designsand produces inflatable structures for recreational activities andtheme parks. Its economical activity extends well beyond theborders of the national territory. As a matter of fact, nowadays“Factoryplay” is a company whose large array of certifiedproducts are available in several countries

As a company that is currently expanding, it requires thereplacement and updating of many of its production paradigmsin order to become more efficient. Namely, regarding the waythe inflatables sewing process occurs.
The robotic handling of non-rigid objects, such as fabrics, is a very complicated problem since it is very difficult to model and predict the behavior of the fabric. The non-linearity, the large deformations and the very low bending resistance of the fabrics increase the complexity and difficulty of the robotic handling. In this paper, the robotized sewing is examined, where the fabric must be held taut and unwrinkled. Actually, a constant tensional force, which must be applied to the fabric throughout the feeding to the sewing machine, affects the seam’s quality to a great extent . Gershon clearly justified the need for force feedback control, in order to obtain a fabric’s constant tensional force in the sewing task. jack sewing machine price in chennai
A set of sewing stations are aligned along the sides of alarge table where the pieces to be sewn are laid out. Each ofthe stations moves in parallel along the table over a pair ofsteel rails. Each sewing station is operated and propelled by ahuman collaborator. This production method presents severalproblems. One of them is the dependence of the seams spacingwith the speed of the sewing station which, on the other hand,is strongly dependent on the human operator. It is desirablethat the station linear speed to be synchronized with the sewingmachine operation speed. This will lead to a more uniform,and operator independent, seams 

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